Mulching Minimize

Benefits of Mulching:

  • Helps to control weeds
  • Conserve mositure
  • Increased root protection in the winter
  • Encourages natural beneficials
  • Decrease tree damage due to weed wackers and lawn mowers
  • Aesthetic appeal 

How to Mulch:

  1. Weed the area in which you would like to apply mulch to. Any weeds, such as dandelions and grasses, should be removed to decrease weeding later on. 
  2. Apply slow release fertilizer around the base of plants. 
  3. Start laying down mulch in the designated area. An effective way to do this is with a pitch fork. The mulch should be 3-4 inches thick in the area. 
  4. Make sure to leave room around the crowns of the plants. This allows the plants to breath and prevents rotting due to excess moisture.

Application per Square Footage:

2 Cubic Bag- 3" Covering = 8 sq.ft per bag

3 Cubic Bag- 3" Covering = 12 sq.ft per bag

Mulching Products Available:


Cedar Mulch

Available in a small and large bales

For more information regarding available mulch, please contact (403)704-4145 or



Benefits of Mulching:

  • Helps to control weeds
  • Conserve mositure
  • Increased root protection in the winter
  • Encourages natural beneficials
  • Decrease tree damage due to weed wackers and lawn mowers
  • Aesthetic appeal 

How to Mulch:

  1. Weed the area in which you would like to apply mulch to. Any weeds, such as dandelions and grasses, should be removed to decrease weeding later on. 
  2. Apply slow release fertilizer around the base of plants. 
  3. Start laying down mulch in the designated area. An effective way to do this is with a pitch fork. The mulch should be 3-4 inches thick in the area. 
  4. Make sure to leave room around the crowns of the plants. This allows the plants to breath and prevents rotting due to excess moisture.

Application per Square Footage:

2 Cubic Bag- 3" Covering = 8 sq.ft per bag

3 Cubic Bag- 3" Covering = 12 sq.ft per bag

Mulching Products Available:


Cedar Mulch

Available in a small and large bales

For more information regarding available mulch, please contact (403)704-4145 or