Benefits of Mulching:
- Helps to control weeds
- Conserve mositure
- Increased root protection in the winter
- Encourages natural beneficials
- Decrease tree damage due to weed wackers and lawn mowers
- Aesthetic appeal

How to Mulch:
- Weed the area in which you would like to apply mulch to. Any weeds, such as dandelions and grasses, should be removed to decrease weeding later on.
- Apply slow release fertilizer around the base of plants.
- Start laying down mulch in the designated area. An effective way to do this is with a pitch fork. The mulch should be 3-4 inches thick in the area.
- Make sure to leave room around the crowns of the plants. This allows the plants to breath and prevents rotting due to excess moisture.
Application per Square Footage:
2 Cubic Bag- 3" Covering = 8 sq.ft per bag
3 Cubic Bag- 3" Covering = 12 sq.ft per bag
Mulching Products Available:

Cedar Mulch
Available in a small and large bales
For more information regarding available mulch, please contact (403)704-4145 or
Benefits of Mulching:
- Helps to control weeds
- Conserve mositure
- Increased root protection in the winter
- Encourages natural beneficials
- Decrease tree damage due to weed wackers and lawn mowers
- Aesthetic appeal

How to Mulch:
- Weed the area in which you would like to apply mulch to. Any weeds, such as dandelions and grasses, should be removed to decrease weeding later on.
- Apply slow release fertilizer around the base of plants.
- Start laying down mulch in the designated area. An effective way to do this is with a pitch fork. The mulch should be 3-4 inches thick in the area.
- Make sure to leave room around the crowns of the plants. This allows the plants to breath and prevents rotting due to excess moisture.
Application per Square Footage:
2 Cubic Bag- 3" Covering = 8 sq.ft per bag
3 Cubic Bag- 3" Covering = 12 sq.ft per bag
Mulching Products Available:

Cedar Mulch
Available in a small and large bales
For more information regarding available mulch, please contact (403)704-4145 or